War Thunder - Japanese Pacific Campaign

JapanI Rank

Z2U.com is the cheapest War Thunder Golden Eagles Top Up service provider, buying/selling Apache and XM-1 Bundle, Japanese Pacific Campaign & USA Pacific Campaign PC/PS4/Xbox One easily, Years' Exp, 100% reliable, 24/7 live support. So you want the 'Japanese Counters' decals this is located in the pacific campaign under 'historical campaign' under 'game modes' you will have to complete the final mission as the japanese faction Is the final Mission listed as 'The War was not over'.

4 peopleCrew
front / side / backArmour
32 / 25 / 25Turret
15 tWeight
21.6 hp/t11.3 hp/tPower-to-weight ratio
45 km/h forward
7 km/h back
40 km/h forward
6 km/h back
57 mm Type 97 cannonMain weapon
3.3 / 4.3 sReload
1000 roundsAmmunition
20 roundsBelt capacity
7.7 mm Type 97 machine gunCoaxial weapon
3 / 3.9 sReload
499 shots/minFire rate
War Thunder - Japanese Pacific Campaign
2900 Research
240 / 308/230 / 296/160 / 205Repair
1000 Experts
100 % Reward for battle
This page is about the Japanese medium tank Chi-Ha. For other uses, see Chi-Ha (Family).
  • 2General info
  • 3Armaments
    • 3.1Main armament
  • 4Usage in battles
  • 5History
  • 8External links


The Type 97 Chi-Ha is a rank I Japanese medium tank with a battle rating of 1.3 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.65 'Way of the Samurai' along with the initial Japanese vehicles of the Japanese Ground Forces Tree.

The Chi-Ha is more or less a smaller version of the I-Go but with a better engine, the Chi-Ha seems rather mediocre at first glance. However, this tank can perform quite well at its battle rating provided that it is played to its strengths, those being its decent mobility and cannon.

General info

The Type 97 Chi-Ha is an upgraded version of the earlier Type 89 I-Go. The engine has been upgraded, from the Mitsubishi A6120VD air-cooled straight-six diesel with 120 hp to a Mitshubishi SA12200VD air-cooled V12 diesel with 170 hp. As such, the top speed has increased from 27 kph on the I-Go to 38 kph on the Chi-Ha. The armament stays the same, with the same shells and gun characteristics. The 5.7 cm Tank Gun Type 97 is robust, but will get the job done. It still has four crewmen inside, no armour, and a 7.7 mm Type 97 in the hull. Overall, it's in general a better I-Go.

Survivability and armour

Chi-Ha deflecting a shell to the driver port

Armour: Light, but effective against weaker guns (i.e. early French), weaker shells (low-caliber HE), and in long range engagements.

Armour type:

  • Rolled homogeneous armour
Armour Front Sides Rear Roof
Hull 25 mm (12-32°) Front plate
17 mm (63-81°) Front glacis
15 mm (37-59°) Lower glacis
25 mm (40°) Top Left
25 mm (25-27°) Top Right
20 mm Bottom
20 mm (4-58°) 12 mm
Turret 25 mm (9-41°) Turret front
25 mm Gun mantlet
25 mm (10-11°) 25 mm (12°) 10 mm
Armour Sides Roof
Cupola 17 mm 6 mm


Chi-Ha reaching its top speed of 44 km/h
Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock UpgradedStockUpgraded
Arcade 45 715 263 324 17.53 21.6
Realistic 40 6 150 170 10 11.33

War Thunder Dynamic Campaign

War thunder pacific campaign pack


Main armament

Chi-Ha being able to depress at -15°
Main article: Type 97 (57 mm)

The gun is the same as on the I-Go. Not much to write home about, but we're hardly complaining, especially with the HEAT shell.

57 mm Type 97 Turret rotation speed (°/s) Reloading rate (seconds)
Mode Capacity Vertical Horizontal Stabilizer Stock Upgraded Full Expert Aced Stock Full Expert Aced
Arcade 120 -15°/+20° ±180° Vertical 14.47 20.03 24.32 26.90 28.61 4.29 3.80 3.50 3.30
Realistic 9.04 10.64 12.92 14.29 15.20


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
Type 92 APHE APHE 21 21 19 16 14 13
Type 3 HEAT HEAT 55 55 55 55 55 55
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
Mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive Mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
0% 50% 100%
Type 92 APHE APHE 349 2.58 1.2 9.0 103 47° 60° 65°
Type 3 HEAT HEAT 380 1.80 N/A 0.1 303.36 62° 69° 73°

Ammo racks

Ammo racks of the Chi-Ha
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
120 117 (+3) 113 (+7) 89 (+31) 69 (+51) 1 (+129) No

Right side only: 69 (+51)

Machine guns

Main article: Type 97 (7.7 mm)
7.7 mm Type 97
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Hull 3,000 (20) 499 ±10° ±15°
Pintle1,000 (20)49910°/+70°±60°

Usage in battles

Chi-Ha passing a disabled T-26 (China)

The Chi-Ha is the most interesting Rank I Japanese tank to play as it has little to no armour, a shot-put-like muzzle velocity and looks like a bus in some sense as to how long it is. But there is a way to play this tank despite all the negatives to this tank and to play it to the best of its abilities, one can play it as a support tank in every way (apart from long distance as the rounds drop like a brick after 500 m). Stay close to teammates and always play sneaky as the Chi-Ha can be easily one-shotted by everything like all Japanese tanks in this Rank.

Chi-Ha destroying another T-26

But if facing a heavy tank or medium tank of early Rank II are very hard to versus from head-on and the fact that the 57 mm APHE rounds lack penetration to destroy it from the front. So the best option is to go up behind it or attack from the side to destroy them. Another problem that shows itself strongly in close quarter fights is that the Chi-Ha has a hand-cranked turret and turning the tank is painful at best. So it is best to plan ahead before attacking, think where the enemy may be and find a place to hide the bulky tank from the enemy and wait for the enemy to come to the firing range. The Type 3 HEAT shell changes this. With 55mm of penetration, the tank is capable of penetrating tanks that it previously couldn't - which is most tanks at rank I and II. In addition to this, the Type 3 HEAT has the potential to hull break lightly armoured targets like LVTs or the Sturmpanzer. Use the protection analysis feature to figure out which tanks you can and can't get through, and adapt your playstyle accordingly when those vehicles are encountered. Now, this is somewhat important 'Don't look for the enemy, let the enemy look for the Chi-Ha.' Of course, the Chi-Ha could still go look for the enemy, but always be on alert and make sure to have a friend for firing support.

Engine power is not that powerful, which then means that the acceleration will be slow to start up, but it will slowly get faster over time. But reversing is like all British tanks when they reverse, It's going to be slow. But this is compensated for the turning speed of this tank as it is better to turn and run in some cases then reverse.


Tier Mobility Protection Firepower
I Tracks Parts Horizontal Drive
II Suspension Brake System FPE Adjustment of Fire
III Filters Crew Replenishment Elevation Mechanism
IV Transmission Engine Artillery Support

Pros and cons


  • Improved sloped armour compared to the reserve vehicles
  • Quite fast (up to 44 km/h), allowing it to get to certain spots in time
  • Lovely climbing ability combined with the amazing -15 degrees gun depression, it is great at mountain combat
  • Has a vertical stabiliser which most tanks don't have, allowing the Chi-Ha to get the first shot off
  • Due to its slow 57 mm shell velocity, it can shoot behind cover without showing the tank to some degree
  • Type 3 HEAT is powerful. It can frontally penetrate common targets like M3 Lee, and hullbreak tanks like LVT(A)(1)
  • Great turning ability in low gear


  • 57 mm armament may be underpowered in an uptier, especially in frontal engagements
  • Thin armour can be penetrated by 20 mm/.50 cal up close
  • Abysmal penetration on stock APHE, will struggle to penetrate most low tier tanks like M3A1 and T-70


Main article: History of the Type 97 Chi-Ha


The Imperial Japanese Army's main tank was the Type 89, adopted in 1929, but it was deemed obsolete as of 1935 and the IJA wanted something up to par with their battle style. The Type 89's main fault was its low overall road speed, which was unable to keep up with motorized infantry. Thus, the development of a new medium tank commenced with the goal of improved overall speed, low weight, and low cost.[1]

Two tank designs were developed with these specifications, both were produced by Mitsubishi. The first was the Chi-Ha which was powered by a 170hp diesel engine. The second was Chi-Ni, which was lighter, cheaper, and powered by a 135 hp diesel engine. The IJA chose at the time of 1937, when war with China broke out to the Second Sino-Japanese War. This war increased the IJA's budget and thus they decided to pick the better of the two design. This led to the finalization of the Type 97 Chi-Ha tank. Production started in 1938 all the way to 1942 for a total of 1162 tanks produced.[1][2]


The Type 97 Chi-Ha was a medium tank constructed with rivets in the armour plates. It had a crew of four with a two-men turret. The turret held the same low-velocity 57 mm gun from the Type 89. Armour was relatively thin, but quite standard at the time of 1930s, but this would become very vulnerable past 1941 when the Japanese war expands to the world.[1]

The Type 97 Chi-Ha, like the standard tanks of other countries, was used in a multitude of roles by adapting its chassis to another purpose such as the Ho-Ni assault gun series. The Type 97 Chi-Ha design was also improved upon multiple times with better armour and better guns, resulting in tanks like the Shinhoto Chi-Ha, Type 1 Chi-He, Type 2 Ho-I, and the Type 3 Chi-Nu.[1]

Combat usage

The Type 97 Chi-Ha would first see its main usage in the border conflict against the Soviet forces in the Battles of Khalkin-Gol. In the Japanese 1st Tank Group's total 85 tanks, there were four Type 97 mediums present in comparison to the 34 Type 89 I-Go, 35 Type 95 Ha-Go lights, and 13 tankettes.[2] Though the armoured units played a critical role in Japan's offensive against the Soviet Union, they were soon demolished by the Soviet armoured brigades, leading to their recall. The Japanese defeat at Khalkin-Gol did teach them a few lessons, first in that they were currently under-equipped for a fight against a large European force, which led to an enlargement of the Japanese armoured forces. Second was that the Japanese tanks were unsuitable for tank-to-tank fighting as the Soviet's main tank armament, the 45 mm cannon, was way more suitable than anything the Japanese had. This led to the development of a new anti-tank gun and tank gun for the Japanese Army, the Type 1 47 mm, though this would not see service until 1941.[1]

War Thunder - Japanese Pacific CampaignWar Thunder - Japanese Pacific Campaign
Japanese troops during the battle of Bukit Timah, Battle of Singapore

The next major usage of the Type 97 would be in Japan's conflict during World War II against the Allies. The Type 97 made up a good portion of the Japanese armoured forces when they invaded the Malay peninsula of British territory in Operation Centrifuge[2]. The Japanese tank's successes against Britain is attributed to the British belief that the terrain around Singapore made it very hard to use armoured forces, thus there was a lack of Allied armour available in the battle. In a span of three months, Japan managed to completely overcome the defenses of the Malay peninsula and the Allied forces there surrendered. The Burma campaign soon followed, but the fighting there would last most of the war's time.[1]

Japan then invaded the Americans in the Philippines. It was here that the Japanese armoured forces baptized the American tankers in their first tank-to-tank combat with M3 Stuarts against Type 95 Ha-Go. It was during this campaign that Colonel Seinosuke Sonoda of the 7th Tank Regiment advocated for the placement of the new Type 1 47 mm gun as the main armament of the Type 97 Chi-Ha. This would lead to the development and production of the next generation Type 97s, the Type 97-Kai (Improved) Shinhoto (New turret) Chi-Ha, which would eventually encompass the regular Type 97's production. Though now surpassed by the Type 97 Chi-Ha Kai, the regular Type 97 would still see usage alongside its improved variant in the Pacific campaign against the Allies.


Main article: Media of the Type 97 Chi-Ha
Best gun depression discusses the Chi-Ha at 1:33 - War Thunder Official Channel

See also

Related Development
  • Type 89 I-Go- (predecessor)
  • Type 97 Chi-Ha Kai- (following model)
Tanks of comparable role, configuration and era

External links


  1. Steven. Japanese Tanks 1939-1945 Great Britain: Osprey Publishing Ltd., 2007
  2. Steven. M4 Sherman vs Type 97 Chi-Ha: The Pacific 1945 Great Britain: Osprey Publishing Ltd., 2012

Japan medium tanks
Type 97Chi-Ha ·Chi-Ha Kai ·Chi-Ha Short Gun
Type 1Chi-He ·Chi-He (5th Regiment) ·Ho-I
Type 3Chi-Nu ·Chi-Nu II
Type 4Chi-To ·Chi-To Late
Type 5 Chi-Ri II
Type 61 MBTST-A1* ·ST-A2* ·Type 61
Type 74 MBTST-B1* ·Type 74 ·Type 74 (F) ·Type 74 (G)
Type 90 MBTType 90 ·Type 90 (B)
USA ▅M4A3 (76) W
*ST-X Is prototype stage for said MBT

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Game Modes
  • 1Overview


The Jungle map

Jungle is a ground forces map available in all modes. It is one of the oldest tank maps, being present in the ground forces Closed Beta Test (CBT), and being released with the ground forces Open Beta Test (OBT) in Update 1.41.

The map takes place on the coast of a tropical island, with palm trees and other tropical vegetation. The north of the map is a beach area, with natural dips, sand dunes, and small rocky hills to provide cover from enemy tanks. Water flows into the centre of the map, creating an island in the middle, through a break in the beach. The east and west areas of the have reasonably thick vegetation and are quite uneven, providing plenty of opportunities to hide from enemy tanks, and set up ambushes.

The Island in the middle of the map is separated from the rest of the map by shallow water, not deep enough to down most tanks. Again it has plenty of vegetation and uneven terrain, providing cover in the middle area of the island. There are hills at the north and south tips of the island. The northern hill allows players to shoot down on players in and approaching, the south of the island. It also allows the player too shot onto the beaches and other areas in the north of the map. Rocks provide cover from the east and west, but the player is still exposed to fire from the north and south. A road passes along the south edge of the island, with two bridges linking the island to the east and west of the map. If not careful players can fall off these bridges, often leading to them falling upside down into the water and drowning, unless a teammate is in the area and acts very quickly to right the tank. The south hill can be a useful strategic position, allowing you to engage enemy tanks in the south of the map, but can leave players exposed to fire. Hills in the east and west of the map are often used by players to shoot enemy tanks in the vicinity of the southern hill.

The south of the map has a couple of big hills on the east and west players can climb to get a commanding view of the south and middle of the map. The area between the hills is flatter and more open, but still has plenty of vegetation. Players use this area to shoot at enemies on the south of the island, and try to advance towards the other teams spawn.

The ground forces area is 1.6km x 1.6km and the air forces map is 65km x 65km.

Game Description

Historical Background

The map is called Guadalcanal in the game files, and in air battles, the Guadalcanal mini-map is used, showing the tank battles area to be located on the northeast coast of Guadalcanal, in the Solomon Islands. Although the tank battles area is clearly inspired by the terrain of the area it is in real life (in the vicinity of 9°16'44.3'S 159°44'26.0'E), the layout appears to be fictional.

The Guadalcanal Campaign, also known as the Battle of Guadalcanal, under the codename Operation Watchtower was fought between 7 August 1942 and 9 February 1943 on and around the island of Guadalcanal in the Pacific theatre of World War II. It was the first major offensive by Allied forces against the Empire of Japan. Allied forces, made up predominantly of United States Marines, landed on Guadalcanal, Tulagi, and Florida in the southern Solomon Islands, on the 7 August 1942. Their aim was to capture the islands, preventing Japanese forces from using them to disrupt Allied supply and communication routes between the US, Australia, and New Zealand. The Allies also wanted to use the islands of Guadalcanal and Tulagi as bases to support a campaign to take over the major Japanese base at Rabaul on New Britain. The Allied forces overwhelmed the outnumbered Japanese defenders (60,000 - 36,000), who had occupied the islands since May 1942. They captured the islands of Tulagi and Florida, as well as an airfield (later named Henderson Field) that was under construction on Guadalcanal.

Surprised by the Allied offensive, the Japanese made several attempts to recapture Henderson Field between August and November 1942. There were three major land battles, seven large naval battles, and continual (almost daily) aerial battles. This culminated in the decisive Naval Battle of Guadalcanal in early November, in which the last Japanese attempt to bombard Henderson Field from the sea and land with enough troops to retake it was defeated. In December, the Japanese abandoned their efforts to retake Guadalcanal and on the 14 January, 1943 launched Operation Ke, their withdrawal from the Island. It lasted until 7 February 1943, ending the Guadalcanal Campaign.

Notable Landmarks

Map configuration

There are three Capture Points. Point A is on the southern hill of the centre island, B is on the west of the beach, and C is on a small hill on the east of the beach.

The Domination configuration.

There is are three configurations of the conquest mode, each with one Capture Point. The point will either be on the northern beach, on the hill next to the split where water flows in; or it will be on the northern or southern hill, on the centre island.

The Conquest #1 configuration.
The Conquest #2 configuration.
The Conquest #3 configuration.


There are two capture points, each owned by one of the teams. Point A is in the jungle area in the west of the map and B is in the jungle area in the east of the map.
The Battle configuration.


One capture point will be in the northwest of the map on (the bank opposite the northern hill of the island), and another will be in the jungle in the east of the map (opposite the southern hill on the island). When captured they will unlock a capture point in the middle of the southern and northern halves of the town respectively. When captured these points unlock the final capture zones, located in the north and south of the island, respectively.
The Break configuration.


Describe what focus a team should have when spawning into the map


The Shooting Range #215 - Map Guide section at 07:38 discusses the map Jungle.

War Thunder Japanese Pacific Campaign

See also

Similar maps

External links

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